ETHERNET REPEATER CUBE LARGE DISPLAY Modbus TCP, TCP/IP and UDP connection. Digits of 57mm height. From 3 to 4 digits, 4 displaying sides.
...DN107/NE Large Format Display Cube ETHERNET
ETHERNET REPEATER CUBE LARGE DISPLAY Modbus TCP, TCP/IP and UDP connection. Digits of 57mm height. From 3 to 4 digits,…
Multifunction cube large display Many Functions in one equipment BCD control, counter, tachometer and chronometer. Digits of 57mm height From 3-4 digits, 4 display...
DN107/P Large Format Display Multifunction Cube
Multifunction cube large display Many Functions in one equipment BCD control, counter, tachometer and chronometer. Digits of 57mm height From…
LARGE FORMAT DISPLAY with ANALOGUE INPUT Process control. Digits of 57mm height. From 3 to 5 digits, 1 or 2 displaying sides. Fixed text option to identify your me...
DN109/AP Large Format Display Analogue Input
LARGE FORMAT DISPLAY with ANALOGUE INPUT Process control. Digits of 57mm height. From 3 to 5 digits, 1 or 2…
LARGE FORMAT DISPLAY PROFIBUS DP Slave connection. Digits of 57mm height. From 3 to 10 digits, 1 or 2 displaying sides. Fixed text option to identify your measurement...
DN109/NP Large Format Display PROFIBUS DP 57mm
LARGE FORMAT DISPLAY PROFIBUS DP Slave connection. Digits of 57mm height. From 3 to 10 digits, 1 or 2 displaying…
MULTIFUNCTION LARGE FORMAT DISPLAY Many functions in one equipment. BCD control, counter, tachometer and chronometer. Digits of 57mm height. From 3 to 10 digits ...
DN109/P Multifunction Large Format Display 57mm
MULTIFUNCTION LARGE FORMAT DISPLAY Many functions in one equipment. BCD control, counter, tachometer and chronometer. Digits of 57mm height. From…
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