• Ditel Junior-C Digital Panel Meter is used for the following input signals: Load Cells (±300mV, ±30mV). Junior-C (JR-C) and Junior20-C (JR20-C) models are specially designed...

    Junior-C Digital Panel Meter

    Ditel Junior-C Digital Panel Meter is used for the following input signals: Load Cells (±300mV, ±30mV). Junior-C (JR-C) and Junior20-C…

  • DITEL Micra-X Digital panel meter for operating as an industrial visualiser or repeater controlled through RS485 network and MODBUS RTU and ASCII Communication protocols. T...

    Micra-X Digital Panel Meters

    DITEL Micra-X Digital panel meter for operating as an industrial visualiser or repeater controlled through RS485 network and MODBUS RTU…